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StorageGRID Collector

The StorageGRID collector uses REST calls to collect data from StorageGRID systems.

Target System

All StorageGRID versions are supported, however the default configuration files may not completely match with older systems.


No SDK or other requirements. It is recommended to create a read-only user for Harvest on the StorageGRID system (see prepare monitored clusters for details)


The collector collects a dynamic set of metrics via StorageGRID's REST API. StorageGRID returns JSON documents and Harvest allows you to define templates to extract values from the JSON document via a dot notation path. You can view StorageGRID's full set of REST APIs by visiting https://$STORAGE_GRID_HOSTNAME/grid/apidocs.html

As an example, the /grid/accounts-cache endpoint, lists the tenant accounts in the cache and includes additional information, such as objectCount and dataBytes. Below is an example response from this endpoint:

  "data": [
      "id": "95245224059574669217",
      "name": "foople",
      "policy": {
        "quotaObjectBytes": 50000000000
      "objectCount": 6,
      "dataBytes": 10473454261

The StorageGRID collector will take this document, extract the data section and convert the metrics above into: name, policy.quotaObjectBytes, objectCount, and dataBytes. Metric names will be taken, as is, unless you specify a short display name. See counters for more details.


The parameters of the collector are distributed across three files:

  • Harvest configuration file (default: harvest.yml)
  • StorageGRID configuration file (default: conf/storagegrid/default.yaml)
  • Each object has its own configuration file (located in conf/storagegrid/$version/)

Except for addr and datacenter, all other parameters of the StorageGRID collector can be defined in either of these three files. Parameters defined in the lower-level file, override parameters in the higher-level ones. This allows you to configure each object individually, or use the same parameters for all objects.

The full set of parameters are described below.

Harvest configuration file

Parameters in the poller section should define the following required parameters.

parameter type description default
Poller name (header) string, required Poller name, user-defined value
addr string, required address (IP or FQDN) of the ONTAP system
datacenter string, required Datacenter name, user-defined value
username, password string, required StorageGRID username and password with at least Tenant accounts permissions
collectors list, required Name of collector to run for this poller, use StorageGrid for this collector

StorageGRID configuration file

This configuration file contains a list of objects that should be collected and the filenames of their templates ( explained in the next section).

Additionally, this file contains the parameters that are applied as defaults to all objects. As mentioned before, any of these parameters can be defined in the Harvest or object configuration files as well.

parameter type description default
client_timeout duration (Go-syntax) how long to wait for server responses 30s
schedule list, required how frequently to retrieve metrics from StorageGRID
- data duration (Go-syntax) how frequently this collector/object should retrieve metrics from StorageGRID 5 minutes
only_cluster_instance bool, optional don't require instance key. assume the only instance is the cluster itself

The template should define objects in the objects section. Example:

  Tenant: tenant.yaml

For each object, we define the filename of the object configuration file. The object configuration files are located in subdirectories matching the StorageGRID version that was used to create these files. It is possible to have multiple version-subdirectories for multiple StorageGRID versions. At runtime, the collector will select the object configuration file that closest matches the version of the target StorageGRID system.

Object configuration file

The Object configuration file ("subtemplate") should contain the following parameters:

parameter type description default
name string, required display name of the collector that will collect this object
query string, required REST endpoint used to issue a REST request
object string, required short name of the object
api string StorageGRID REST endpoint version to use, overrides default management API version 3
counters list list of counters to collect (see notes below)
plugins list plugins and their parameters to run on the collected data
export_options list parameters to pass to exporters (see notes below)


This section defines the list of counters that will be collected. These counters can be labels, numeric metrics or histograms. The exact property of each counter is fetched from StorageGRID and updated periodically.

The display name of a counter can be changed with => (e.g., policy.quotaObjectBytes => logical_quota).

Counters that are stored as labels will only be exported if they are included in the export_options section.


Parameters in this section tell the exporters how to handle the collected data.

There are two different kinds of time-series that Harvest publishes: metrics and instance labels.

  • Metrics are numeric data with associated labels (key-value pairs). E.g. volume_read_ops_total{cluster="cluster1", node="node1", volume="vol1"} 123. The volume_read_ops_total metric is exporting three labels: cluster, node, and volume and the metric value is 123.
  • Instance labels are named after their associated config object (e.g., volume_labels, qtree_labels, etc.). There will be one instance label for each object instance, and each instance label will contain a set of associated labels (key-value pairs) that are defined in the templates instance_labels parameter. E.g. volume_labels{cluster="cluster1", node="node1", volume="vol1", svm="svm1"} 1. The volume_labels instance label is exporting four labels: cluster, node, volume, and svm. Instance labels always export a metric value of 1.

The export_options section allows you to define how to export these time-series.

  • instances_keys (list): display names of labels to export to both metric and instance labels. For example, if you list the svm counter under instances_keys, that key-value will be included in all time-series metrics and all instance-labels.
  • instance_labels (list): display names of labels to export with the corresponding instance label config object. For example, if you want the volume counter to be exported with the volume_labels instance label, you would list volume in the instance_labels section.
  • include_all_labels (bool): exports all labels for all time-series metrics. If there are no metrics defined in the template, this option will do nothing. This option also overrides the previous two parameters. See also collect_only_labels.