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InfluxDB Exporter

InfluxDB Install

The information below describes how to setup Harvest's InfluxDB exporter. If you need help installing or setting up InfluxDB, check out their documentation.


The InfluxDB Exporter will format metrics into the InfluxDB's line protocol and write it into a bucket. The Exporter is compatible with InfluxDB v2.0. For explanation about bucket, org and precision, see InfluxDB API documentation.

If you are monitoring both CDOT and 7mode clusters, it is strongly recommended to use two different buckets.


Overview of all parameters is provided below. Only one of url or addr should be provided and at least one of them is required. If addr is specified, it should be a valid TCP address or hostname of the InfluxDB server and should not include the scheme.
When using addr, the bucket, org, and token key/values are required.

addr only works with HTTP. If you need to use HTTPS, you should use url instead.

If url is specified, you must add all arguments to the url. Harvest will do no additional processing and use exactly what you specify. ( e.g. url: When using url, the bucket, org, port, and precision fields will be ignored.

parameter type description default
url string URL of the database, format: SCHEME://HOST[:PORT]
addr string address of the database, format: HOST (HTTP only)
port int, optional port of the database 8086
bucket string, required with addr InfluxDB bucket to write
org string, required with addr InfluxDB organization name
precision string, required with addr Preferred timestamp precision in seconds 2
client_timeout int, optional client timeout in seconds 5
token string token for authentication


snippet from harvest.yml using addr: (supports HTTP only))

    exporter: InfluxDB
    addr: localhost
    bucket: harvest
    org: harvest
    token: ZTTrt%24@#WNFM2VZTTNNT25wZWUdtUmhBZEdVUmd3dl@# 

snippet from harvest.yml using url: (supports both HTTP/HTTPS))

    exporter: InfluxDB
    url: https://localhost:8086/api/v2/write?org=harvest&bucket=harvest&precision=s
    token: my-token== 

Notice: InfluxDB stores a token in ~/.influxdbv2/configs, but you can also retrieve it from the UI (usually serving on localhost:8086): click on "Data" on the left task bar, then on "Tokens".