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Harvest containers

Follow this method if your goal is to establish a separate harvest container for each poller defined in harvest.yml file. Please note that these containers must be incorporated into your current infrastructure, which might include systems like Prometheus or Grafana.

Setup harvest.yml

  • Create a harvest.yml file with your cluster details, below is an example with annotated comments. Modify as needed for your scenario.

This config is using the Prometheus exporter port_range feature, so you don't have to manage the Prometheus exporter port mappings for each poller.

    exporter: Prometheus
    port_range: 2000-2030  # <====== adjust to be greater than equal to the number of monitored clusters

    - Zapi
    - ZapiPerf
    - EMS
  use_insecure_tls: true   # <====== adjust as needed to enable/disable TLS checks 
    - prometheus1

  infinity:                # <====== add your cluster(s) here, they use the exporter defined three lines above
    datacenter: DC-01
    auth_style: basic_auth
    username: user
    password: 123#abc
  # next cluster ....  

Generate a Docker compose for your Pollers

  • Generate a Docker compose file from your harvest.yml
docker run --rm \
  --env UID=$(id -u) --env GID=$(id -g) \
  --entrypoint "bin/harvest" \
  --volume "$(pwd):/opt/temp" \
  --volume "$(pwd)/harvest.yml:/opt/harvest/harvest.yml" \ \
  generate docker \
  --output harvest-compose.yml

Start everything

Bring everything up 🚀

docker compose -f harvest-compose.yml up -d --remove-orphans

Manage pollers

How do I add a new poller?

Note: All of your template customizations should follow the custom.yaml approach mentioned in template customization, otherwise any changes you've made in the conf directory will be overwritten.

  1. Add poller to harvest.yml
  2. Regenerate compose file by running harvest generate
  3. Run docker compose up, for example,
docker compose -f harvest-compose.yml up -d --remove-orphans

Stop all containers

docker compose-f harvest-compose.yml down

Upgrade Harvest

To upgrade Harvest:

  1. Retrieve the most recent version of the Harvest Docker image by executing the following command.This is needed since the new version may contain new templates, dashboards, or other files not included in the Docker image.

    docker pull

  2. Stop all containers

  3. Regenerate your harvest-compose.yml file by running harvest generate By default, generate will use the latest tag. If you want to upgrade to a nightly build see the twisty.

    I want to upgrade to a nightly build

    Tell the generate cmd to use a different tag like so:

    docker run --rm \
      --env UID=$(id -u) --env GID=$(id -g) \
      --entrypoint "bin/harvest" \
      --volume "$(pwd):/opt/temp" \
      --volume "$(pwd)/harvest.yml:/opt/harvest/harvest.yml" \ \
      generate docker \
      --image \
      --output harvest-compose.yml
  4. Restart your containers using the following:

docker compose -f harvest-compose.yml up -d --remove-orphans