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Harvest Logs Collection Guide

This guide will help you collect Harvest logs on various platforms. Follow the instructions specific to your platform. If you would like to share the collected logs with the Harvest team, please email them to

RPM, DEB, and Native Installations

For RPM, DEB, and native installations, use the following command to create a compressed tar file containing the logs:

tar -czvf harvest_logs.tar.gz -C /var/log harvest

This command will create a file named harvest_logs.tar.gz with the contents of the /var/log/harvest directory.

Docker Container

For Docker containers, first, identify the container ID for your Harvest instance. Then, replace <container_id> with the actual container ID in the following command:

docker logs <container_id> &> harvest_logs.txt && tar -czvf harvest_logs.tar.gz harvest_logs.txt

This command will create a file named harvest_logs.tar.gz containing the logs from the specified container.


For NABox installations, ssh into your nabox instance, and use the following command to create a compressed tar file containing the logs:

dc logs nabox-api > nabox-api.log; dc logs nabox-harvest2 > nabox-harvest2.log;\
  tar -czf nabox-logs-`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S`.tgz *

This command will create a file named nabox-logs-$date.tgz containing the nabox-api and Harvest poller logs.

For more information, see the NABox documentation on collecting logs