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Package Managers


Installation and upgrade of the Harvest package may require root or administrator privileges


Download the latest rpm of Harvest from the releases tab and install with yum.

sudo yum install harvest.XXX.rpm


Download the latest rpm of Harvest from the releases tab and upgrade with yum.

sudo yum upgrade harvest.XXX.rpm

Once the installation or upgrade has finished, edit the harvest.yml configuration file located in /opt/harvest/harvest.yml

After editing /opt/harvest/harvest.yml, manage Harvest with systemctl start|stop|restart harvest.

After upgrade, re-import all dashboards (either bin/harvest grafana import cli or via the Grafana UI) to get any new enhancements in dashboards. For more details, see the dashboards documentation.

To ensure that you don't run into permission issues, make sure you manage Harvest using systemctl instead of running the harvest binary directly.

Changes install makes
  • Directories /var/log/harvest/ and /var/log/run/ are created
  • A harvest user and group are created and the installed files are chowned to harvest
  • Systemd /etc/systemd/system/harvest.service file is created and enabled


Installation and upgrade of the Harvest package may require root or administrator privileges


Download the latest deb of Harvest from the releases tab and install with apt.

sudo apt install ./harvest-<RELEASE>.amd64.deb


Download the latest deb of Harvest from the releases tab and upgrade with apt.

sudo apt install --only-upgrade ./harvest-<RELEASE>.amd64.deb

Once the installation or upgrade has finished, edit the harvest.yml configuration file located in /opt/harvest/harvest.yml

After editing /opt/harvest/harvest.yml, manage Harvest with systemctl start|stop|restart harvest.

After upgrade, re-import all dashboards (either bin/harvest grafana import cli or via the Grafana UI) to get any new enhancements in dashboards. For more details, see the dashboards documentation.

To ensure that you don't run into permission issues, make sure you manage Harvest using systemctl instead of running the harvest binary directly.

Changes install makes
  • Directories /var/log/harvest/ and /var/log/run/ are created
  • A harvest user and group are created and the installed files are chowned to harvest
  • Systemd /etc/systemd/system/harvest.service file is created and enabled