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Harvest Config Collection Guide

This guide is designed to help you validate your Harvest configuration (harvest.yml) on various platforms. The commands in this guide will generate redacted output that personally identifiable information (PII) removed. This makes it safe for you to share the output. Follow the instructions specific to your platform. If you wish to share it with the Harvest team, please email them at

RPM, DEB, and Native Installations

To print a redacted version of your Harvest configuration to the console, use the following command:

cd /opt/harvest
export CONFIG_FILE_NAME=harvest.yml
bin/harvest doctor --print --config $CONFIG_FILE_NAME

Docker Container

For Docker containers, use the following command to print a redacted version of your Harvest configuration to the console:

cd to/where/your/harvest.yml/is
export CONFIG_FILE_NAME=harvest.yml
docker run --rm --entrypoint "bin/harvest" --volume "$(pwd)/$CONFIG_FILE_NAME:/opt/harvest/harvest.yml" doctor --print


If you're using NABox, you'll need to ssh into your NABox instance. Then, use the following command to print a redacted version of your Harvest configuration to the console:

dc exec -w /conf nabox-harvest2 /netapp-harvest/bin/harvest doctor --print

If your configuration file name is different from the default harvest.yml, remember to change the CONFIG_FILE_NAME environment variable to match your file name.