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Prepare StorageGRID cluster

NetApp Harvest requires login credentials to access StorageGRID hosts. Although, a generic admin account can be used, it is better to create a dedicated monitoring user with the fewest permissions.

Here's a summary of what we're going to do

  1. Create a StorageGRID group with the necessary capabilities that Harvest will use to auth and collect data
  2. Create a user assigned to the group created in step #1.

Create StorageGRID group permissions

These steps are documented here.

You will need a root or admin account to create a new group permission.

  1. Select CONFIGURATION > Access control > Admin groups
  2. Select Create group
  3. Select Local group
  4. Enter a display name for the group, which you can update later as required. For example, Harvest or monitoring.
  5. Enter a unique name for the group, which you cannot update later.
  6. Select Continue
  7. On the Manage group permissions screen, select the permissions you want. At a minimum, Harvest requires the Tenant accounts and Metrics query permissions.
  8. Select Save changes

StorageGRID create group permissions

Create a StorageGRID user

These steps are documented here.

You will need a root or admin account to create a new user.

  1. Select CONFIGURATION > Access control > Admin users
  2. Select Create user
  3. Enter the user’s full name, a unique username, and a password.
  4. Select Continue.
  5. Assign the user to the previously created harvest group.
  6. Select Create user and select Finish.

StorageGRID create user


See group permissions for more information on StorageGRID permissions.