A virtual machine image is a single file which contains a virtual disk that has a bootable operating system installed on it. Virtual machine images come in different formats, such as raw
and qcow2
An image store is where the virtual machine images managed by Glance reside on a persistent medium. While Glance currently has support for many different stores, the most commonly deployed stores are file
and swift
This store refers to a directory on a local file system where the glance-registry service is running. The directory could refer to:
- locally attached storage
- a remote, shared filesystem (e.g. NFS) - see the section called “Configuration of Glance with NetApp FAS”, or
- a remote block device that has been partitioned and a filesystem created within a partition - see the section called “Configuration of Glance with NetApp E-Series and EF-Series”
- This store refers to an instance of the OpenStack Object Storage service (Swift).